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North Korea opens border gates

COVID-19 border lockdowns are lifting, 섯다 making it possible to hold the first event in five years

Recruitment of Participants for the Pyongyang Marathon

North Korea has begun recruiting participants for next year’s Pyongyang Marathon as the country slowly reopens borders that have been closed since the outbreak of COVID-19.

According to the official website of the Pyongyang Marathon on Wednesday, the event, which the North calls the “Mankyongdae International Marathon Games,” will be held in Pyongyang on April 14 next year.

“We are pleased to offer amateur runners the opportunity to participate in the Pyongyang Marathon 2024,” 온라인섯다 the website said, noting that the event includes a full and half marathon, 10-kilometer and 5-kilometer courses.

“Hundreds of North Korean athletes will participate alongside elite athletes from abroad,” the organization said, adding that those who wish to join the Pyongyang Marathon tour to watch instead of compete are welcome.

He added that the Pyongyang Marathon tours depart from Beijing, Shanghai, Shenyang and Dandong and cost at least 645 euros (about $940,000) per person.

When the Pyongyang Marathon is held next April, it will be five years since it was canceled due to the pandemic.

North Korea canceled the Pyongyang Marathon in 2020 as it sealed its borders to prevent the spread of COVID-19, then tentatively announced the event every year, but it was canceled for four consecutive years until this year due to the failure to open the border.

However, North Korea has been slowly lifting its border barriers, 카지노사이트 making it more likely that the Pyongyang Marathon will be held next year.

North Korea closed its borders in January 2020 and halted all human traffic with other countries due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but resumed the operation of North-China freight trains in January last year and partially resumed the operation of cargo trucks at the beginning of this year.

Later last month, North Korea hosted Chinese and Russian delegations attending the 70th anniversary of the “Jeonseungjeol” (the date of the signing of the Korean War Armistice Agreement), and in the middle of this month it sent a team to the International Taekwondo Federation (ITF) World Championships in Kazakhstan.

On March 22, a passenger plane belonging to North Korea’s national carrier, Koryo Airlines, landed in Beijing, 고스톱 marking the first time in three years and seven months that the two Koreas have been able to fly together.

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