V-League Asia Quarter Operations Revised… Some Annual Salary Increases and Women’s Draw Odds Redefined!

The Korea Volleyball Organization (KOVO) has revised the rules of the V-League Asia Quarter for the 2024-2025 season. The league has increased the annual salaries of players and changed the selection method for the women’s draft in an effort to level the playing field and maintain its popularity. “Today, we held a general manager’s meeting…

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Macau mass gaming tables busy in run up to May hols

수요일과 목요일(4월 26일과 27일)에 GGRAsia가 방문한 많은 마카오 카지노에는 5월 1일 노동절 연휴 전부터 대중 시장 도박장에 많은 고객이 몰렸습니다. 이번 축제 시즌은 3년 전 코로나19 팬데믹이 시작된 이래 하루 방문객 수가 가장 많을 것으로 현지 관계자는 예측했습니다. GGRAsia의 관찰에 따르면 평소와 마찬가지로 바카라는 마카오 고객들이 선호하는 게임이었습니다. 이른바 ‘그라인드’ 또는 ‘베이스’ 매스 세그먼트에서도 최소…

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There’s ample interest among potential buyers for the Tropicana Las Vegas.

But whether those flirtations result in credible offers for the iconic venue remains to be seen. As it stands today, Gaming and Leisure Properties (NASDAQ:GLPI) owns the property. Penn National Gaming (NASDAQ:PENN) operates the venue, including the casino and hotel. That scenario came about following a transaction earlier this year. Then, Penn, strapped for cash…

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When money laundering was rife among the province’s casinos, according to records obtained by CBC News under the Freedom of Information Act.

Ironically, some of these bonuses were based on profits generated by BC casinos which were boosted by the type of criminality the officials were employed to sniff out. The endemic anti-money laundering (AML) violations at BC casinos has become a national scandal in Canada. A recent report commissioned by BC Attorney General David Eby concluded…

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2016 international cyber heist thought to have been carried out by North Korean hackers.

New York Southern District Judge Lorna Schofield granted a motion to dismiss the lawsuit last Friday. Bangladesh Bank sued the casino and hospitality company on claims that it violated the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) of 1970, a US federal law designed to combat organized crime. Along with Bloomberry Resorts, Bangladesh Bank named…

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류현진 선수는 지난해 판매한 유니폼 수익금 전액을 류현진 재단에 기부했습니다.

류현진 선수는 지난해 판매한 유니폼 수익금 전액을 류현진 재단에 기부했습니다. 신용카드 현금화 이번 기부는 팬들에게 받은 사랑에 보답하고, 경제적으로 어려움을 겪고 있는 유소년 야구선수들이 꿈과 희망을 잃지 않고 야구에 전념할 수 있도록 도움을 주기위해 이뤄졌다. 지난해 KBO로 복귀하면서 큰 화제를 모았던 류현진의 인기는 유니폼 판매에서도 확인되었다. 스페셜 아이템  ‘몬스터 컬렉션’과 ‘100승 기념 유니폼’이 발매와 동시에 품절됐고,…

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